Dark Chamber Media

Stylish online showcase designed and developed for a range of innovative cinema cameras

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My role

Solo creator

Camera models supplied by ZCAM

Dark Chamber Media desired an impactful online presence that highlighted their cinema cameras. To accomplish this, I created a website with a high contrast design, incorporating bold hues that corresponded to each camera model. The focus was to let the cameras take centre stage, featuring them in sleek and straightforward animations. The website represents a contemporary evolution of their brand, incorporating bright colours and modern elements while preserving a premium aesthetic.

Desktop site

screenshot of dark chamber media website on desktop

Tablet and Mobile site

screenshot of dark chamber media website on tabletscreenshot of dark chamber media website on mobile

Camera model styling

I created a lighting system and colour scheme to help differentiate the different camera models. This was applied to the 3D renders and backgrounds to create a polished presentation.

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